Currently, I offer ZOOM telehealth appointments, phone appointment and in-person appointment.

Appointments can be made by clicking on the pink button above or by contacting me at 510-653-8263 or

Free 15 Minute Phone Consult for Prospective New Nutrition & Health Consult Client


Initial consultations: 1.5 hour intake and consult during which we will go over your medical history, discuss your needs and create a treatment plan: $225.00                 

Follow up consultation are 60 ; 45; or 30 minutes, depending on your needs: $150; $110; $75.00 respectively.                  Herbs & Nutritional supplements will be charged in addition to your office visit.

What can I expect at the first visit?                                                                                                                                                     Health and Nutrition Consult: I will go through your complete medical history, assess your food intake, assess your health challenges and needs, come up with a care plan that is tailored to your needs and likes, as well as a meal plan if desired. I will offer a variety of recommendations, ranging from nutritional advise, botanical, aromatherapy, and supplement suggestions, to lifestyle advice.

How many sessions will I need?                                                       
It is entirely up to you how many sessions you want to have!                                                                                                                Depending on the challenges you are facing, you may do well on your own after just one session, or you may need ongoing support for a while. I tailor all my care plans to your specific situation, and I am happy to assist you in whatever way works best to address your unique health challenge and life circumstances!